Friday, January 4, 2013

My First Friday Five: Resolutions and Absolutions

For other newbies (like me): this is a weekly exercise that's part of the RevGalBlogPals. I hope you will see these more or less weekly from me!


1. Start by sharing your success stories with us: In the past, what resolution has been your most successful? What change have you made that has been the most beneficial, to your mood, health, finances, or other way of being in the world?

Not long after my husband left, I emptied the house of junk food and processed food. Since then (going on two years now), I have cooked and eaten from whole, basic, core foods almost all the time. If I decide to indulge in a craving, I order in or go out to get it, but (other than Christmas!) it doesn't sit in the house, waiting for me to eat it. 

2. What is one thing you hope to do differently this year with regard to health, either physical or spiritual? If you are satisfied with your current status in both areas, perhaps you would be willing to share something you've already done (or regularly do) to care for yourself.

I have given up on exercise routines that overstress my body and ultimately either discourage or injure me. I am hoping to become a walker who is less about speed and training and more about movement, relaxation, and consistency. I'm patterning my plan after Jeff Galloway's Walking Book's recommended schedule. One week into it: so far, so good!

3. What is one thing you hope your family (of origin, of choice, however you define your primary place of mutual emotional sustenance) will do differently this year? A new tradition for birthdays? More vacation time? Game night? Feel free to really dream about ways to deepen your connections with those you love. 

This is hard, because my family consists of my two adult children, for the most part, and we are all in various states of transition.  I'm hoping to increase real conversation time - in person or by phone / Skype - to keep us better connected with each other.

4. What is one thing you hope your community of faith will consider doing differently this year? New music? Different approaches to preaching? Rearranging the furniture? If you are in a position to try to introduce change, share some of your enthusiasm and/ or anxiety with us!

Again, I'm in transition! Starting in February I will be interning at Littlefield Presbyterian Church, leading up to my M.Div. graduation in May (woo hoo!). My personal hope is to get more preaching experience. Beyond that, I anticipate getting into all manner of (as yet undefined) new things!


5. In what area would you most like to learn to be gentle with yourself? For what would you most like to forgive yourself? Share your ideas and strategies for extending yourself the kind of grace we know we are assured of. 

As might be expected, my need for gentleness is all about this transition. The next year (and beyond) will be filled with much newness and uncertainty. My relationships and the nature of belonging, for me, have been undergoing seismic changes over the past five years and this will continue. I am learning to accept both the grieving, the fear, the loss, the joy, and the anticipation, and to welcome them, whenever and however they show up.


  1. Congratulations on the blog, Jill! Great post.

  2. Blessings to you in your season of transition. May it be a life-giving time to you and all who love you!

  3. Welcome! What an excited New Year this is for you. I like the way you expressed your hopes for your adult children and you--I also have those hopes, but didn't know how to express them. I'll be looking at the book you recommended. Thanks.

  4. I was gifted with an amazing internship. Tom offered me the invitation to preach a block of time so I could get a feel of what that weekly routine is like. I preached from the first Sunday of Lent through Easter Sunday. Ask...they can only say no!

    Blessings on all your transitions.

  5. Jill, what a great "hello" Friday Five! Welcome, we're so glad you're here!

    Wow, what a year full of transitions for you... gentleness with yourself is a wonderful discipline for all of it! I too am a second (or third, depending on how you count) career pastor, also divorced with two adult children who are mostly away and finding their way. So challenging, but so rich a time, too.

    GOOD FOR YOU, as for the healthy nutritional changes/ walking habit!

    Thanks so much for playing!

    Oh! And, I just one-click ordered the walking book from Amazon. THANK YOU!

  6. Welcome to Friday Five, and all manner of blessings to you in this intense time of your training. Be gentle with yourself, indeed. We always keep learning.

  7. Walking is the exercise I benefit from the most with least chance of injury. I wish you well on your walking journey!

  8. welcome!! so true about eating well--altogether a beautiful, revealing play, thanks!
